Hanging wallpaper isn’t quite as complicated as you might think, Whatever effect a homeowner seeks, it will require equal parts art and engineering to achieve. The smooth, seamless appearance and good adherence that characterizes a high-quality installation start with a properly prepared substrate and ends with meticulous attention to the topography of each room.
Begin with modest, easy-to-match designs while hanging wallpaper. If you work slowly and patiently, you’ll get tight seams and a professional appearance. You have to follow certain steps to hang the wallpaper in the perfect manner.
Measure The Wall For Hang Wallpaper
Mark the wall’s midpoint by measuring its width and height. Cut a short strip of Hang wallpaper. Place the focal point of the design over the midpoint. Mark the wall at the leading edge of the paper, where the next strip will be hung. Draw a plumb line at that point with a 4-foot level. Cut two extra small pieces of paper and paste them edge-to-edge on the wall to estimate seam locations around the room. Make a note of where each leading edge is located.
Pull up and re-adhere the strips as you continue to mark throughout the room. At the plumb line, measure the height of the wall. Cut the first full-length strip, leaving enough overhang to position the prominent piece in the middle. Leave 1 inch of overhang at the top and bottom using solid-color hang wallpaper.
Prepare The Paper For Hang Wallpaper
If the paper is not pre-pasted, place the first strip face-down on a 6-foot-long work table and apply a generous, even coat of paste all the way to the paper’s edges with a 3/8-inch-nap paint roller. Fold over both sides of the strip, being careful not to fold the paper so that they meet in the middle to allow the glue to activate; this is known as “booking.”
“Make sure the paper’s edges are completely aligned so that no pasted surface is visible.” Before hanging, give yourself 3 to 5 minutes to rest. For pre-pasted paper, loosely wrap a strip with the adhesive side out and immerse it in a trough of cold to lukewarm water, just until the paper is sufficiently wet, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations (but no longer). Book the paper for 3 to 5 minutes as described above.
Hang The First Strip For Hang Wallpaper
Apply the top half of the booked strip to the wall, matching one edge with the plumb line from Step 2. For solid paper, overlap the ceiling by 1 inch. As needed, overlap patterned papers to center the main design feature in the middle of the wall panel.
With a damp sponge, smooth the edges of the paper, then lightly brush from the center of the strip to its edges. Next, use a smoother to remove wrinkles and anchor the paper to the wall by gently pulling it over the paper. The lower half of the strip should be unfolded. As before, align and smooth it, overlaying the baseboard as necessary.
Trim The Strip From the Ceiling
With a sharp razor knife held roughly parallel to the wall, trim any excess paper. To avoid ripping, use a 6-inch putty knife to guide the blade. Wipe any remaining adhesive from the paper’s face with a damp sponge, gently pushing toward the edges. Then wipe off the woodwork and the ceiling with a sponge. Each succeeding strip is measured, cut, and hung, sliding them up and down on the wall to line the pattern and butt seams securely with no overlaps.
Cover The Corners With Wallpaper
The only location where strips overlap is at the corners. Measure from the corner to the top, middle, and bottom of the last-pasted strip for an inside corner. Add 1/8 inch to the biggest measurement for out-of-plumb walls. Trim a dry strip to that width with a level, cutting the edge that will meet the corner. Hang the paper such that the freshly cut edge curves over the corner and continues onto the adjoining wall.
Align the patterns by placing the adjacent strip with its edge within the corner and overlapping the previous strip. Draw a plumb line from where the leading edge lands. Hang this strip using the line as a guide. Trim the strip to wrap over the next wall by 14 inches on the outside corners. The next strip should be hung so that it overlaps the preceding one but falls short of the corner. This keeps the paper from peeling if it comes into contact with the corner.
Trim Around Doors And Windows
Allow the leading edge of the strip to overlap the trim when applying paper to walls adjacent to windows and doors. Make diagonal cuts with scissors from the waste edge of the paper to the corners of the trim to allow the paper to rest flat on the wall. With scissors, cut out the majority of the overlap. After smoothing the paper as directed in Step 4, use the smoother to push it snugly against the casing, ceiling, and baseboard. Any remaining overlap should be trimmed away.
Trim Around the Window Apron
Make a series of shortcuts from the waste edge of the strip toward the corner where the wall and stool meet to trim around a window’s stool and apron. The strip can be bent to fit the profile of the casing thanks to these narrow paper fingers. Hold the paper against the wall with a narrow putty knife and trim any waste with a razor knife.
Hang Headers And Footers
Measure, cut, and book each strip of headers and footers (paper above and below windows and above doorways) as you go. Align the lead edge of each strip with a torpedo level to keep these shorter parts plumb. Without continuing past the end of the window or door casing, hang, smooth, and trim as many headers and footers as needed.
Then, by butting one edge of a dry, full-width scrap of paper against the last header or footer and indicating where its opposite edge lands, hang a full-length strip of hang wallpaper alongside the window or door. Draw a plumb line from floor to ceiling on that spot with a level. Paste, book, and hang the full-length strip, altering the patterns as needed. When the designs are in place, sponge and smooth each piece, removing any overlap.
Follow this guideline to hang the wallpaper in the perfect manner. You can also hire professionals to do this job without any damage. There are a lot of expert hang wallpaper installers out there that can do a great job hanging wallpaper, one of them is hang wallpaper Sydney wallpaper. Get in touch with one of our decor experts and get amazing suggestions to lend appealing and exquisite walls.