gallery - projects

Some of the Latest Projects Delivered by Sydney Wallpaper.

We do just not supply & install Wallpapers but also help our Customers decide the Wallpaper best suited for their Living Spaces. We have a personalised approach to each and every customer with the Best Customer Service

Commercial Project – Start Up Company – Melbourne.
Sydney Wallpaper helped the Client choose the right pictures and designs to suit the office space #Design2Install


Residential Project – SouthYarra.
A personalised approach given by Sydney Wallpaper to the client for their each room. #Concept2Install


Commercial Project – Melbourne
This was one of the most difficult projects we did for a Major Construction Company in Blackburn. The Print selected by the Client had to be designed and put across Reception and Bathroom Area. The material used here is a Hi Tech Laminated Wallpaper. Material is High Quality Waterproof suitable for Outdoor/Wet Areas.

Wallmurals/Custom Wallpapers for Kids Room.

Exclusive Designs on High Definition Wallpaper Supplied and Installed by Sydney Wallpaper.